Hello and welcome to the book From 0 to buffer overflow. This book will teach you how to hack remotely a computer using memory corruption vulnerabilities.

You will learn computer science about reverse engineering (dissect obscure computers and programs), vulnerability exploitation (code to break existing programs and remotely take over a computer) and cryptanalysis (cryptanalysis is a branch of the mathenmatics made to attack cryptography. Cryptography is math about to defend information. Cryptanalysis is about to attack, to break! It is from far deeper than just using cryptography).

We will start on old architectures such as embedded computers and we will finish to exploit the legendary memory corruption vulnerability on a modern system.

In this you will learn from almost no prerequies. Except programming in C from the official reference here. Until you will able to make an usable attack on a modern and common computer.

This is for educational purpose only. The plan is to get a job on cybersecurity

To get started, first install linux. All the code has been tested on debian 11. Download it from the official manual here.

If you have any suggestion, fell free to ask me at gogo246475@gmail.com .